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Many of the annual 2.5 million eye injuries occur at home. From cleaning and cooking to mowing and repairing, eye injuries occur every day while performing routine activities. When completing these daily tasks in and around the home, we often become complacent and do not take proper safety precautions.

Dr. Jonathan Criss joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in reminding patients about the importance of wearing proper eye protection. As a board-certified ophthalmologist, he has seen way too many patients suffer permanent eye damage from avoidable injuries.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology’s public education program, EyeSmart®, provides the following tips to avoid eye injuries:

  • Wear protective eyewear whenever there is a chance of eye injury such as anywhere there may be flying debris, falling objects, chemicals and intense light and heat. This is particularly true of people involved in welding, grinding metal, or working with other power tools.
  • Make sure your eye protection is American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-approved, OSHA compliant, and is appropriate for the hazards you might encounter. If you are working in an area that has particles, flying objects, or dust, you must at least wear safety glasses with side protection (side shields). If you are working with chemicals, you should wear goggles.

In case of an eye injury, follow these EyeSmart tips to learn the do’s and dont’s of eye injury first aid.

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